6. Notes with regret, however, that some Member States were clearly at pains in the IGC: (a) to make a rigid demarcation between CFSP and ESDP, on the one hand, and other aspects of the Union’s external action, on the other; (b) to dilute the practical effects of the decision in theory to develop common policies and pool resources in this area; and (c) to strictly limit the political role of the Commission and Parliament and the judicial role of the Court of Justice (ECJ);
(b) diluer les incidences pratiques de la décision théorique tendant à élaborer des politiques communes et à mettre les ressources en commun dans ce domaine; et c) limiter strictement le rôle politique de la Commission et du Parlement ainsi que le rôle judiciaire de la Cour de justice (CJCE);