In his speech, Mr Kaczmarek gave it as his opinion that an opportunity had been missed, and to that I want to add that it was not a case of the overwhelming majority of Nigerians missing an opportunity, but rather of there having been people who would not allow the holding of free and independent elections with secret ballots that might have had a significant impact.
Dans son discours, M. Kaczmarek a estimé qu’une occasion avait été manquée, et je veux ajouter à cela qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un cas dans lequel la grande majorité des Nigérians aurait manqué une occasion, mais plutôt d’un cas où il y a eu des gens qui ne voulaient pas permettre la tenue d’élections libres et indépendantes à bulletins secrets pouvant avoir un impact significatif.