I remember, Mr. Speaker and I am going to do it now because when the Deputy Prime Minister did this it was not shown on camera and Canadians did not know this that when we had that vote of non-confidence and the Liberals lost that vote of non-confidence, the Deputy Prime Minister made a gesture like this one: “So?” That is exactly what she did: “So?” In other words, a vote in this place does not matter, she was saying, we will just ignore it.
Je me souviens, monsieur le Président — et je vais faire ce geste maintenant parce que la vice-première ministre l'a fait, mais les Canadiens ne le savent pas parce que les caméras ne l'ont pas montré — lorsque les libéraux ont perdu le vote de défiance, la vice-première ministre a fait ce geste en voulant dire « Et alors? ».