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Developmental impairment
Disorder NOS
Intellectual disability
Intellectual impairment
Intellectually disabled
LD Awareness Month
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada
Learning Disabilities Awareness Month
Learning Disabilities Month
Learning disability
Learning disabled
Mental deficiency
Mental retardation
Mental subnormality
Mentally defective
Mentally disabled
Mentally handicapped
Mentally retarded
Profound and multiple impairment
Profound and multiple learning disabilities
Severe and multiple impairment

Traduction de «learning disabilities month » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Learning Disabilities Month

Mois des troubles d'apprentissage

Learning Disabilities Awareness Month [ LD Awareness Month ]

Mois de sensibilisation aux troubles d'apprentissage [ Mois de sensibilisation aux TA ]

Learning Disabilities Association of Canada [ LDAC | Canadian Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities | Canadian Association for Children with Learning Disabilities ]

Troubles d'Apprentissage - Association canadienne [ TAAC | Association canadienne pour les enfants et adultes ayant des troubles d'apprentissage | Association canadienne pour les enfants ayant des troubles d'apprentissage ]

intellectually disabled | learning disabled | mentally defective | mentally disabled | mentally handicapped | mentally retarded

débile mental | mentalement diminués | minus habens

Knowledge acquisition disability NOS Learning:disability NOS | disorder NOS

Incapacité (de):apprentissage SAI | concernant l'acquisition des connaissances SAI | Trouble de l'apprentissage SAI

developmental impairment | feeble-mindedness | intellectual disability | intellectual impairment | learning disability | mental deficiency | mental retardation | mental subnormality | oligophrenia | LD [Abbr.]

arriération mentale | débilité intellectuelle | débilité mentale | déficience intellectuelle | déficience mentale | faiblesse d'esprit | oligophrénie | pathologie mentale | retard mental

A rare genetic hematologic disorder characterized by progressive trilineage bone marrow failure (with hypocellularity), developmental delay with learning disabilities and microcephaly. Mild facial dysmorphism and hypotonia have also been reported. Th

syndrome de pancytopénie-retard de développement

A multiple malformation syndrome with characteristics of Hirschprung megacolon and microcephaly, hypertelorism, submucous cleft palate, short stature and learning disability. It has been described in about 10 patients, boys and girls. Some of the rep

syndrome de Goldberg-Shprintzen avec mégacôlon

A disorder of the white matter of the brain causing neurological problems, which can occur, anytime from childhood to adulthood. Characteristics of the disease include learning disabilities, retinopathy, atrophy of the optic nerves, spasticity, infer

leucoencéphalopathie avec ataxie cérébelleuse modérée et oedème de la substance blanche

polyhandicap | profound and multiple impairment | profound and multiple learning disabilities | severe and multiple impairment | PMLD [Abbr.]

March is Learning Disabilities Month and this ribbon honours all Canadians who have learning disabilities and those who provide them with support of all kinds.

Mars est le mois des troubles d'apprentissage et ce ruban rend hommage à tous les Canadiens qui ont des troubles d'apprentissage et à ceux qui les aident de multiples façons.

Mr. Grant Hill (Macleod, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, March is Learning Disabilities Month and 1996 commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (1405 ) An organization of dedicated individuals works at the local, provincial and federal levels, committed to improving the lives of people with learning disabilities.

M. Grant Hill (Macleod, Réf.): Monsieur le Président, mars est le Mois des troubles d'apprentissage, et 1996 marque le 25e anniversaire de l'Association canadienne des troubles d'apprentissage (1405) Composé de personnes dévouées, cet organisme travaille aux niveaux local, provincial et fédéral pour améliorer la vie des personnes souffrant de troubles d'apprentissage.

Mrs. Bonnie Hickey (St. John's East, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the Learning Disabilities Association for Newfoundland and Labrador, I would like to remind all Canadians that this is Learning Disabilities Month.

Mme Bonnie Hickey (St. John's-Est, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, au nom de la Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador, je rappelle aux Canadiens que nous sommes en plein Mois des troubles d'apprentissage.

Mr. John Murphy (Annapolis Valley-Hants, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, I am wearing a pin on behalf of the Learning Disabilities Association of Nova Scotia to commemorate Learning Disabilities Month.

M. John Murphy (Annapolis Valley-Hants, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, je porte une épingle au nom de la Learning Disabilities Association of Nova Scotia pour marquer le Mois des troubles d'apprentissage.

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Mr. Pat O'Brien (London-Middlesex, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, as this is learning disabilities month, I would like to acknowledge the thousands of dedicated Canadian teachers and health care workers who devote themselves to improving the lives of those who face the challenge of a learning disability on a daily basis.

M. Pat O'Brien (London-Middlesex, Lib.): Monsieur le Président, en ce Mois des troubles d'apprentissage, j'aimerais souligner le travail de milliers de professeurs et de travailleurs des milieux de la santé qui s'emploient à améliorer l'existence des personnes aux prises avec des difficultés d'apprentissage.
