In its July 1997 Opinion the European Commission found that Romania had made notable progr
ess in bringing its legislation on restrictive agreements into line with that of the Community. The Commission asked Romania to continue its efforts to enforce the new legislation and provide suitable training for the two monitoring bodies. As for State aid, the Commi
ssion felt that not much progress had been achieved and that a considerable effort would be needed to meet the requirements for the control of such aid, in particular with a view to
...[+++]drawing up a reliable State aid inventory and adopting rules for a monitoring system that is effective and comparable with those operating in the European Union.
En ce qui concerne les aides d'État, la Commission estimait que peu de progrès avaient été réalisés et qu'un effort considérable serait nécessaire pour satisfaire aux exigences requises dans le domaine du contrôle des aides d'État, notamment pour parvenir à établir un inventaire fiable des aides et à adopter des règles assurant un contrôle efficace et comparable à ceux qui sont établis dans l'Union européenne.