Undoubtedly, interinstitutional co-operation between the Council, the Commission and Parliament is essential and we hope it will be harmonious, but a better balance still needs to be established between the two forms of democratic legitimacy on which the adoption of Community legislation is based: that of the Member States, embodied by the Council, and that of the Assembly which is the product of the direct universal suffrage of all the citizens of the Union.
Certes, la coopération interinstitutionnelle entre le Conseil, la Commission et le Parlement est incontournable et nous la souhaitons harmonieuse, mais il reste nécessaire de mieux équilibrer les deux légitimités démocratiques sur lesquelles repose l'adoption de la législation communautaire, celle des États, qui s'expriment par le Conseil, celle de l'Assemblée, qui procède du suffrage universel direct de tous les citoyens de l'Union.