12. Draws attention to the requirement to consult the general public and organisations representing civil society on the issue of programming with the aim of reflecting their proposals and stresses that the participation of civil society helps to legitimise the decision-making process; notes that the efforts to involve the public in the preparations for the operational programmes for the period 2007-2013 were not as successful as hoped for; calls on the Commission, therefore, to identify good practices and to facilitate their application with a view to improving public involvement ahead of the next programming period;
12. rappelle l'obligation d'une consultation publique des citoyens et des organisations représentatives de la société civile sur la programmation, à l'effet de refléter leurs propositions, et constate que la participation publique dans la phase préparatoire des programmes opérationnels 2007-2013 n’a pas été concluante, invite donc la Commission européenne à identifier les bonnes pratiques et à faciliter leur application afin d'améliorer la participation des citoyens lors de la prochaine période de programmation;