Mr. John Kazanjian, Partner, Osler Hoskin and Harcourt (Advisory Group on Corporate Responsibility Review): The Advisor
y Committee that we represent consists of six large, Canadian, widely held public companies: Alcan; Bell Canada Enterprises, BCE; CN Rail; EnCana, Royal Bank of Canada, RBC; and TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. All of these
companies are inter-listed, that is, they list on the Toronto
Stock Exchange, TSE, as well as on the New York Stock
Exchange ...[+++], NYSE, and, in some cases, on other foreign stock markets.
M. John Kazanjian, associé, Osler Hoskin and Harcourt (Advisory Group on Corporate Responsibility Review): Le comité consultatif que nous représentons se compose de six grandes sociétés canadiennes ouvertes au public, soit Alcan; Bell Canada Enterprises, BCE; CN Rail; EnCana; Banque royale du Canada, RBC; et TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. Toutes ces sociétés sont intercotées, c'est-à-dire cotées à la Bourse de Toronto et aussi à la Bourse de New York et, dans certains cas, à d'autres bourses étrangères.