My question to you is, in the light of an initial question that was placed by Mr. Paradis, in the sense of community development and a sense of responsibility for the social, eco
nomic, and cultural links and the developments, the vital signs of a strong sense of belonging and a promotion of the vitality of a community—I would suggest to you that in the absence of this kind of underfund
ing, these services literally threaten the survival of the English-s
peaking communities across ...[+++] Quebec; that they are far from equitable resources for these communities to function, let alone grow; and that the community newspapers and the community radios are included in this factor is even more of a disgrace.
Voici ma question qui fait suite à la question qu'a posée tout à l'heure M. Paradis. On parle de développement communautaire et de la responsabilité pour maintenir les liens sociaux, économiques et culturels et on parle encore des manifestations d'un sentiment d'appartenance solide et de l'épanouissement d'une communauté.Étant donné un si piètre financement, la survie des communautés anglophones du Québec est littéralement menacée.