These four themes will provide an effective avenue of approach to the fundamental issues of everyday life, establishing a clear
connection between people's own experiences and measures for young people at all levels - Community, nat
ional, regional and local (*) Halles de Schaerbeek Rue Royale Sainte-Marie 220 1030 BRUSSELS tel. 218 00 31 The closing session on Tuesday afternoon will be one of the high points of the event, giving young people the chance to question the policy- makers on their own problems, the kind of
questions ...[+++] they are asking and the conclusions arising from the two days' discussions.Ces thèmes permettront d'aborder concrètement des questions fondamentales de leur vie quotidienne et d'établir un lien solide entre leurs expériences et les actions en faveur des jeunes menées au niveau communautaire et/ou national, régional et local. Mardi après-midi, la séance plénière finale sera un des moments forts de l'Evénement.