It is a pertinent issue which I think has been taken up and answered in the second report by Judge Bruguière, which has been referred to this House and from which I shall now quote: ‘during 2009, the TFTP has been a highly valuable tool used by intelligence and law enforcement agencies to help map out terrorist networks, to complete missing links in investigations, to confirm the identity of suspects, to locate the physical whereabouts of suspects and to identify new suspects as well as to disrupt attempted terrorist attacks’.
C’est une question pertinente qui a, je pense, été reprise et qui a reçu une réponse dans le deuxième rapport du juge Bruguière. Celui-ci a été transmis à cette Assemblée et je vous en rappelle le passage suivant: «Au cours de l’année 2009, le TFTP s’est avéré être un outil très précieux.