We have in front of us this afternoon witnesses from three organizations: from Telus Communications, Mr. Hennessy, senior vice-president of regulatory and government affairs; from the University of Waterloo, Professor Coates, professor of history and dean of arts, and Mr. Wilson, strategic adviser to the university; and from the Canadian Library Association, we have Madam Moore, who is the executive director of that association.
Nous accueillons aujourd'hui des témoins de trois organisations: M. Hennessy, vice-président principal, Affaires réglementaires et gouvernementales, chez Telus Communications; M. Coates, professeur d'histoire et doyen des Arts, et M. Wilson, conseiller stratégique, de l'University of Waterloo; enfin, Mme Moore, directrice exécutive de l'Association canadienne des bibliothèques.