I think that's designed because we have a little problem with delegating this final authority in any event, although the argument has clearly been made that there are reasons for doing this—although we don't necessarily agree with them—in terms of getting advice and having a study done and all of that. Certainly when we made this argument the last time, and we made it again, that the CDS at the end of the day is the one who, if he has the final authority for grievances, including military judges.It's a morale issue.
L'amendement vise selon moi à résoudre un petit problème de délégation de l'autorité de dernière instance dans toute situation, même si certains croient manifestement qu'il existe des raisons de le faire, comme pour obtenir des avis, commander des études, et ainsi de suite — quoique nous ne sommes pas nécessairement d'accord.