On the eve of his much-deserved retirement, as we pay tribute to him for the tremend
ous contribution he made to politics, a contribution which has continued since his arrival in the Senate, where he sat on a number of committees, I would like to tell him that the greatest tribute we could pay him is to carry on the work he began by encouraging th
e new generation of political leaders in Canada, as well as in New Brunswick and Acadia, to draw their inspiration from his generous vision, his tenacity, and his faith in the ability of his f
...[+++]ellow citizens to take their place in the world.
À la veille de sa retraite bien méritée, en ce jour où nous lui rendons hommage pour son inestimable apport à la vie politique, un apport qui ne s'est pas démenti depuis son arrivée au Sénat où il a oeuvré dans plusieurs comités, je tiens à lui dire que le plus bel hommage que nous puissions lui rendre, c'est de poursuivre son action en incitant les nouvelles classes dirigeantes, tant au Canada qu'au Nouveau-Brunswick et en Acadie, à s'inspirer de sa vision généreuse, de sa ténacité et de sa foi dans les capacités de ses compatriotes d'affirmer leur présence au monde.