(2) Where recommendations have been made by the Commissioner under subsection 63(3) but adequate and appropriate action has not, in the opinion of the Commissioner, been taken thereon within a reasonable time after the recommendations are made, the Commissioner may inform the complainant of those recommendations and make such comments thereon as he thinks proper, and shall provide a copy of the recommendations and comments to any individual, deputy head or administrative head whom the Commissioner is required under subsection (1) to inform of the results of the investigation.
(2) Il peut, quand aux termes du paragraphe 63(3) il a fait des recommandations auxquelles, à son avis, il n’a pas été donné suite dans un délai raisonnable par des mesures appropriées, en informer le plaignant et faire à leur sujet les commentaires qu’il juge à propos; le cas échéant, il fait parvenir le texte de ses recommandations et commentaires aux personnes visées au paragraphe (1).