As a newly married apprentice in mechanical engineering, working for Indian and Northern Affairs in his home region in 1964, Charlie kept his ear to the ground and became concerned that the Province of Quebec was trampling over the rights of the Inuit, seeking to take over responsibility for the Inuit of his homeland, and that Canada was unaware that this was happening, ignoring their fiduciary responsibilities to the Inuit.
En 1964, dans sa région natale, alors fraîchement marié et apprenti en ingénierie mécanique à l'emploi des Affaires indiennes et du Nord, Charlie tendait l'oreille. Il s'inquiétait du fait que la province de Québec violait les droits des Inuits en tentant de s'approprier la gestion de leur territoire, et que le Canada, ignorant la situation, négligeait ses responsabilités fiduciaires envers le peuple inuit.