The fair and just thing for us to do in our role here is to amend EI, b
ut in a manner that would provide meaningful income security to Canadians in all parts of this co
untry in all labour markets when they lose their jobs, in a manner that would allow Canadians to maintain their dignity in the face of misfortune, in
a manner that would facilitate and expedite re-entry into meaningful, productive and, yes, good jobs, and in a manner
...[+++] that would build a barrier against that which ails us most in this country these days: income disparity.L'approche juste et équilibrée consisterait à modifier l'assurance-emploi de manière à offrir, dans l'ensemble du pays et dans tous les marchés, une réelle sécurité du revenu aux Canadiens lorsqu'ils perdent leur emploi. Cette approche permettrait aux Canadiens de demeurer dignes même quand les temps sont durs.