Mr. Stephen Johns: With respect to things like capital gains exemptions, increasing RRSP limits, things of this nature, on a matter of principle, Mr. Brison, our membership would advocate any policies that would serve as incentives to work, to earn, to spend, to succeed, because all of those things at the end of the day are going to directly and indirectly benefit all, including the federal government.
M. Stephen Johns: En ce qui concerne les exemptions pour gains en capital, l'accroissement du plafond de cotisation aux REER et ainsi de suite, pour une question de principe, monsieur Brison, nos membres appuieraient toute politique qui stimulerait le travail, les bénéfices, les dépenses et la réussite, car cela bénéficiera à tous, directement et indirectement, y compris l'État fédéral.