We had great difficulty understanding how, at the end of the day, the people who were there would change the culture, if you will, and get the police to deal with matters in an even-handed way so that it did not matter who you knew or what tribe you were from and so that the police would be able to enforce the law in a manner consistent with how we see it or, probably more important, in a manner that Afghanis felt was fair and reasonable.
Nous avions beaucoup de mal à comprendre comment, en fin de compte, nos agents là-bas pourraient modifier la mentalité, en quelque sorte, et amener la police locale à agir de manière impartiale, de telle façon que peu importe la tribu à laquelle vous appartenez, la police appliquera la loi d'une manière conforme à nos habitudes ou, peut-être plus important encore, d'une manière que les Afghans pourront considérer équitable et raisonnable.