THENCE easterly in a straight line across Lot 18 Concession 5 in the geographic Township of Whitby to a point in the eastern boundary of the said Lot 18 Concession 5, (being also the boundary between the geographic Township of Whitby and the geographic Township of East Whitby), which said point is distant 1 110 m measured northerly thereon from the southeasterly corner of the said Lot 18 Concession 5;
De là, en direction est et en ligne droite, à travers le lot 18 de la concession 5 du canton géographique de Whitby, jusqu’à un point de la limite est de ce lot (constituant également la limite entre les cantons géographiques de Whitby et de East Whitby) situé à 1 110 m au nord de l’angle sud-est du lot;