With such an annual increase there should be enough Community quotas by the end of
1991 to meet demand from road hauliers and to allow the disappearance of the bilateral quotas which are applied by some Memb
er States and which were declared illegal by the Court of Justice in 1985. The Commission has just presented comprehensive proposals, to be discussed in the forthcoming Council, which would put this 40 per c
ent annual increase into ...[+++] effect as from 1987, would provide for a safeguard mechanism allowing measures to be taken in the event of market disturbance and would lay down the conditions under which the licences could be granted.Grace a ce taux d'accroissement, il devrait y
avoir, a la fin de 1991, un nombre suffisant d'autorisations communautaires pour satisfaire la demande des transporteurs routiers de marchandises et permettre la suppression des autorisations bilaterales, qui sont delivrees par certains Etats membres et qui ont ete declarees illegales par la Cour de Justice en 1985/.- 3 - La Commission vient de presenter des propositions, qui seront discutees au pr
ochain Conseil, aux termes desquelles l'accroissement annuel de 40% entrerait en vigueur a pa
...[+++]rtir de 1987. Les propositions comportent un mecanisme de sauvegarde permettant de prendre des mesures en cas de perturbation du marche et fixent les conditions auxquelles les autorisations pourraient etre accordees.