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Active laser medium
Active medium
Amplification medium
Amplifying medium
European Business and Innovation Centre
European Observatory for SMEs
Gain medium
Heat carrying medium
Heat conducting medium
Heat exchange medium
Heat transfer medium
Heat transport medium
Laser material
Laser medium
Laser working medium
Lasing material
Lasing medium
MDO Board
MDO plywood
Medium Density Overlaid plywood
Medium Density Overlay
Medium density overlay board
Medium wing
Medium-Density Overlay plywood
Medium-density overlay
Medium-sized business
Medium-sized enterprise
Medium-sized undertaking
Mid wing
Mid-set wing
Oblique wing aircraft
Slew wing aircraft
Small & medium business
Small and medium business
Small and medium enterprise
Small and medium firm
Small and medium industries
Small and medium-sized business
Small and medium-sized businesses
Small and medium-sized enterprises
Small and medium-sized industries
Small and medium-sized undertakings
Small and mid-sized business
Small and mid-sized enterprise
Small or medium enterprise
Small or medium firm
Small to medium sized business
Sweep back wing
Sweep wing
Sweepback wing
Swept back wing
Swept wing
Swept-back wing
Sweptback wing
Swivel wing airborne vehicle
Thermal carrying medium
Thermal conducting medium
Thermal exchange medium
Thermal transport medium
Working medium of a laser

Traduction de «medium wing » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
mid wing [ mid-set wing | medium wing ]

aile médiane [ aile moyenne ]

lasing medium [ laser medium | laser material | lasing material | active medium | active laser medium | amplifying medium | amplification medium | working medium of a laser | laser working medium | gain medium | lasent ]

matériau actif [ milieu actif | milieu actif d'un laser | milieu amplificateur | milieu amplifiant | milieu laser | matériau laser | milieu d'amplification ]

heat transfer medium | heat exchange medium | heat transport medium | heat carrying medium | heat conducting medium | thermal transport medium | thermal exchange medium | thermal carrying medium | thermal conducting medium

agent de transfert de chaleur

small and medium enterprise | SME | small and medium-sized business | SMB | small and medium business | small and mid-sized enterprise | small and mid-sized business | small & medium business | small and medium firm | SMF | small or medium enterprise | small or medium firm | small to medium sized business

petite et moyenne entreprise | PME | petite ou moyenne entreprise

swept-back wing [ SBW | swept back wing | sweptback wing | swept wing | sweepback wing | sweep wing | sweep back wing ]

aile en flèche [ aile en flèche positive | demi-voilure en flèche | demi-voilure en flèche positive ]

small and medium-sized enterprises [ EBIC | European Business and Innovation Centre | European Observatory for SMEs | small and medium-sized businesses | small and medium-sized undertakings | SMEs | SMUs ]

petites et moyennes entreprises [ CEEI | Centre européen d'entreprise et d'innovation | Observatoire européen des PME | PME ]

Medium Density Overlay | MDO | Medium-density overlay | Medium-Density Overlay plywood | medium density overlay board | Medium Density Overlaid plywood | MDO plywood | MDO Board

contreplaqué revêtu de densité moyenne | contreplaqué à revêtement de densité moyenne

oblique wing aircraft | slew wing aircraft | swivel wing airborne vehicle

ronef à voilure pivotante

small and medium industries [ small and medium-sized industries | SMI ]

petites et moyennes industries [ PMI ]

medium-sized business [ medium-sized enterprise | medium-sized undertaking ]

moyenne entreprise [ entreprise moyenne ]
The Department of National Defence is currently evaluating options to ensure that the Canadian Forces have the right mix of naval and airlift capabilities, such as logistic support ship, strategic and tactical airlift, heavy to medium-lift helicopters, and fixed-wing search and rescue capabilities.

Le ministère de la Défense nationale évalue actuellement les possibilités afin de s'assurer que les Forces canadiennes disposent d'un juste équilibre de capacités de transport maritime et aérien, notamment un navire de soutien logistique, des hélicoptères lourds et moyens de transport stratégique et tactique, ainsi que des avions de recherche et de sauvetage.

Kingston ( Canadian Land Force Command, Staff College, 1 Wing Kingston (helicopters); Kingston Penitentiary (maximum security), Collins Bay (medium security), Joyceville (medium security)

Kingston (Collège de commandement et d’état major de la Force terrestre canadienne, 1 Escadre de Kingston (hélicoptères); pénitencier de Kingston (sécurité maximale), Collins Bay (sécurité moyenne), Joyceville (sécurité moyenne)

In fact, I wonder how much longer we will have to wait until the European Union is empowered to amend the regulations that govern small and medium-sized businesses throughout Europe and above all, when we will see a change in a climate which in 45 years of left-wing or predominantly left-wing government has dampened the entrepreneurial spirit of European companies.

Et je me demande même combien de temps nous devrons attendre avant que l'Union européenne ait la compétence de modifier les normes qui réglementent les petites et moyennes entreprises dans toute l’Europe et, surtout, quand changera le climat qui, en quarante-cinq ans de gouvernement de la gauche, ou à prédominance de gauche, a nui à l'esprit d'entreprise en Europe.

Kingston (Canadian Land Force Command, Staff College, 1 Wing Kingston (helicopters); Kingston Penitentiary (maximum security), Collins Bay (medium security), Joyceville (medium security)

Kingston (Collège de commandement et d'état major de la Force terrestre canadienne, 1ère Escadre de Kingston (hélicoptères); pénitencier de Kingston (sécurité maximale), Collins Bay (sécurité moyenne), Joyceville (sécurité moyenne)

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I would like more detail on the following subjects: maritime helicopters, tactical airlift, medium-lift helicopters, provisional and long-term procurement, fixed-wing search and rescue aircraft.

J'aimerais plus de détails sur les sujets suivants : hélicoptères maritimes, transport aérien tactique, hélicoptères de transport moyens, achat intérimaire et à long terme, appareils à voilure fixe de recherche et de sauvetage.

Lt.-Gen. Gauthier: My long-standing answer to that question in the past has been medium-lift helicopters and rotary wing capability writ large, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platforms, including uninhabited aerial vehicles.

Lgén Gauthier : Depuis longtemps, lorsqu'on me questionne à ce sujet, je parle des hélicoptères de moyen tonnage et des aéronefs à voilure tournante en général, ainsi que des plates-formes de renseignement, de surveillance et de reconnaissance, y compris des véhicules aériens sans pilote.

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'medium wing' ->

Date index: 2023-10-10