as outlined in the Commission's 2006 Annual Progress Report, the response to the
Youth Pact in most Member States has been encouraging, but that urgent action is still required to facilitate the entry of young people into the labour market in line with the Pact; the adoption of the European Pact for Youth has strengthened the involvement of ministries responsible for youth in the Lisbon process, leading to better internal coordination and reinforced mainstreaming of the youth dimension when developing policies on employment, social inclusion, education, training and mobility, in line with the mandate from the Europe
...[+++]an Council; while many Member States refer explicitly to the Pact in their national reform programmes and others include measures that are consistent with it, better implementation of the objectives of the Pact and improved visibility of the Pact in the national reform programmes and in the Commission's Annual Progress Report would lead to more coherence, greater effectiveness and clearer monitoring of measures for young people, and would help to develop knowledge and expertise on the different areas of the Pact and the links between them; while progress has been made, the European Commission and the Member States need to reinforce measures to implement the Pact by:20. s
i de nombreux États membres mentionnent explicitement le pacte dans leurs programmes nationaux de réforme et que d'autres y incluent des mesures conformes au pacte, mieux concrétiser les objectifs du pacte et lui conférer davantage de visibilité dans les programmes nationaux de réforme ainsi que dans le rapport annuel de la Commission sur la croissance et l'emploi conduirait cependant à une plus grande cohérence, à une efficacité accrue et à un suivi plus clair des mesures en faveur des jeunes, et contribuerait à amplifier les connaissances et les compétences sur les différents volets du pacte et sur les liens q
...[+++]ui existent entre eux;