[360] Unless specified otherwise, the information contained in this section is based on the following documents : Canadian Mental Health Association (Nova Scotia Division), 2004 Report Card on Mental Health Services Core Standards, 8 March 2003; Department of Health, Nova Scotia, Strategic Directions for Nova Scotia’s Mental Health System, 20 February 2003; Department of Health, Nova Scotia, Standards for Mental Health Services in Nova Scotia, 20 February 2003; Roger Bland and Brian Dufton, Mental Health: A Time for Action, submitted to the Deputy Minister of Health, Nova Scotia, 31 May 2000; IWK Health Centre’s Website ( [http ...]
[360] À moins d’indication contraire, les renseignements contenus dans la présente section proviennent des documents suivants : Association canadienne pour la santé mentale (chapitre de la Nouvelle-Écosse), 2004 Report Card on Mental Health Services Core Standards, 8 mars 2003; Department of Health, Nouvelle-Écosse, Strategic Direction
s for Nova Scotia’s Mental Health System, 20 février 2003; Department of Health, Nouvelle-Écosse, Standards for Mental Health Services in Nova Scotia, 20 février 2003; Roger Bland et Brian Dufton, Mental Health: A Time for Action, document soumis au ministre adjoint de la Santé, Nouvelle-Écosse, 31 mai
...[+++]2000; site Internet du Centre de santé IWK ( [http ...]