Experts who would support such a review and the conclusions along the lines I've outlined would include not only General Butler, whom you'll hear from in a moment, but also General Goodpaster, whom Ambassador Graham referred to, the former Supreme Allied Commander; Admiral William Crowe and General David Jones, both former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States; many of the counterparts from Britain, particularly Field Marshal Lord Carver, former Chief of the Defence Staff in Great Britain; and Michel Rocard, the former prime minister of France.
Parmi les experts qui appuieraient une pareille refonte et des conclusions se rapprochant de celles que je vous ai décrites, on compterait non seulement le général Butler, qui doit témoigner tout à l'heure, mais également le général Goodpaster, ex-Commandant suprême allié dont vous a parlé l'ambassadeur Graham, l'amiral William Crowe et le général David Jones, tous deux ex-présidents des Joint Chiefs of Staff, aux États-Unis, de nombreux homologues de Grande-Bretagne, particulièrement le Field Marshall lord Carver, ex-chef d'état-major de la Défense en Grande-Bretagne, et Michel Rocard, ex-premier ministre de France.