I have seen thousands of people who have been tortured; I have seen hundreds of women and young girls who have been victims of sexual abuse; I have seen the four million who have been forcibly displaced from their homes and those two and a half million who are confined, as we speak now, in the camps around the cities of Darfur: Nyala, Al Fashir, Zalingi and Al Geneina.
J’ai vu des milliers de gens torturés; j’ai vu des centaines de femmes et de jeunes filles victimes d’abus sexuels; j’ai vu les quatre millions de gens déplacés de force loin de leur foyer et ces deux millions et demi de personnes confinées, au moment où nous parlons, dans des camps autour des villes du Darfour: Nyala, Al Fashir, Zalingi et Al Geneina.