According to the Court, it is apparent from both the operative part of the 2007 judgment, which contains the decision of the Court, and the grounds for that decision that the Court did not establish that there had been a failure to fulfil obligations resulting from the provision relating to the lower blocking minority, considered in isolation, but established that there had been such a failure solely as regards the combination of that provision with the provision relating to the cap on voting rights.
Selon la Cour, il ressort tant du dispositif de l’arrêt de 2007 qui contient la décision de la Cour que des motifs de ladite décision que la Cour n’avait pas constaté de manquement résultant de la disposition relative à la minorité de blocage réduite, prise isolément, mais uniquement en ce qui concerne la combinaison de cette disposition avec celle concernant le plafonnement des droits de vote.