Secondly, the dissemination of information on groundings was deleted for fear that the data might be misinterpreted - i.e. that if the public were to hear of serious safety problems with a certain thirdcountry aircraft or operator, they may decide to avoid flying with that company. What is there to misinterpret and why should an individual not have the right to make an informed choice as to the risk (s)he wishes to take in flying with a certain carrier?
Deuxièmement, la diffusion d'informations concernant l'immobilisation a été supprimée dans la crainte d'une interprétation erronée (les passagers, avertis de graves problèmes de sécurité concernant un aéronef ou un exploitant d'un pays tiers, pourraient décider de ne pas recourir aux services de cette compagnie).