Our committee's work on this issue is far from complete, but with the cooperation of Veterans Affairs Canada, National Defence and the Canadian Forces, and with the continued constructive work of our committee's members, I believe we will achieve our aim of ensuring that this livin
g document responds more proactively to the needs of our veterans and their families and, in so doing, inspire confidence in those who are
still serving, that once they have served and are injured and have ...[+++]paid the price one way or another, and their families, that we will take care of them and assist them in adjusting in this country.
Le travail du comité relativement à ce dossier est loin d'être terminé. Toutefois, je pense qu'avec la collaboration d'Anciens Combattants Canada, de la Défense nationale et des Forces canadiennes, sans oublier le travail continu et constructif des membres de notre comité, nous atteindrons notre objectif, qui est de faire en sorte que ce document dynamique réponde de façon plus proactive aux besoins de nos anciens combattants et de leur famille.