Mr. Clifford Lincoln: Mr. Speaker, I have always believed that the people who crafted our charter and crafted our laws were people of great wisdom who saw society as a very large issue, and that they crafted certain clauses, especially section 1 of the charter regarding reasonable limits, to enshrine the possibility that institutions that have been with us in the long term should be protected, that reasonable limits should be put on it to prevent the fact that societal mores, which evolve at a tremendous pace, should not interfere with basic institutional frameworks that have been with us, in this particular case, over the millenna.
Je crois qu'ils ont rédigé certaines dispositions, en particulier l'article 1 de la charte qui traite de limites raisonnables, afin de consacrer l'éventuelle nécessité de protéger les institutions existant de longue date. Ils jugeaient important d'établir des limites raisonnables pour faire en sorte que les moeurs de la société, qui évoluent à un rythme effarant, ne nuisent pas aux cadres fondamentaux des institutions qui, dans ce cas particulier, existent depuis plus de mille ans.