When I testified on February 21, I was asked the following question: “Did you or Mr. Zaccardelli order that Staff Sergeant Frizzell be removed, and was it you or Mr. Zaccardelli who ordered that the investigation be shut down?” My response was, and I quote: “I can state with absolute finality that it was neither Commissioner Zaccardelli nor me who had anything whatsoever to do with, as you say, the removal of Sergeant Frizzell”.
Lors de ma comparution du 21 février, on m'a posé la question suivante: « Est-ce M. Zaccardelli ou vous-même qui avez demandé que le sergent Frizzell soit prié de quitter son bureau et est-ce vous ou M. Zaccardelli qui avez ordonné que l'on mette fin à l'enquête? ».