- 2 - CONTENT OF THE PROPOSAL The proposal for a Directive would authorize comparative advertising (which it defines as "any advertising which explicitly or by implication identifies a competitor or goods or services of the same kind offered by a competitor"), provided that it meets the following conditions: - The features to be compared objectively must be material ones, i.e. relevant, important and significant features of the goods or services in question.
- 2 - LE CONTENU DE LA PROPOSITION Le projet autorise la publicité comparative (qu'il définit comme "toute publicité qui identifie de facon explicite ou implicite un concurrent ou les biens et services de même nature offerts par un concurrent"), sous réserve que les messages publicitaires répondent, aux conditions suivantes: - Les caractéristiques à comparer objectivement doivent être essentielles, c'est-à-dire pertinentes, importantes, significatives des biens ou des services.