Members Députés Adams Augustine Axworthy Baker Bakopanos Beaumier Bélair Bélanger Bellemare Bennett Bevilacqua Blondin-Andrew Bonwick Bryden Bulte Byrne Calder Caplan Carroll Catterall Chan Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) Clouthier Coderre Collenette Comuzzi Copps DeVillers Dhaliwal Dion Dromisky Drouin Duhamel Eggleton Finlay Folco Fry Gagliano Goodale Grose Harvard Hubbard Iftody Jackson Jennings Jordan Karetak-Lindell Karygiannis Kilger (Stormont Dundas Charlottenburgh) Kilgour (Edmonton Southeast) Kraft Sloan Lastewka Lavigne Leung Limoges Lincoln Longfield MacAulay Mahoney Malhi Manley Matthews McCormick McGuire McKay (Scarborough East) McLellan (Edmonton West) McWhinney Mifflin Mills (Broadview Greenwood) Mi
nna Mitchell Murray ...[+++]Myers Normand Parrish Peterson Pettigrew Pillitteri Richardson Robillard Rock Sgro Shepherd St. Denis St-Julien Steckle Szabo Telegdi Ur Valeri Vanclief Whelan Wilfert 93 The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 129 of Mr. Bergeron (Verchères Les- Patriotes), seconded by Ms. Dalphond-Guiral (Laval Centre), That Bill C-2, in Clause 451, be amended by replacing lines 34 to 43 on page 189 and lines 1 and 2 on page 190 with the following: