After a year of negotiations an agreement for the sale of gas from Sleipner/Troll was concluded on 30 May 1986 between: - as the vendors, a group of oil companies represented by Statoil, the Norwegian national oil company; and - as the purchasers, a consortium of six gas-distribution companies, represented by Ruhrgas (Thyssengas and BEB in Germany, Gasunie in the Netherlands, Distrigaz in Belgium and Gaz de France).
] accord de vente de gaz du Sleipner/Troll est conclu entre : - comme vendeurs, un groupe de societes petrolieres representees par la Statoil, la compagnie petroliere nationale de Norvege; - comme acheteurs, un consortium de six societes distributrices de gaz, representees par Ruhrgas (Thyssengas et BEB en RFA, Gasunie aux Pays-Bas, Distrigaz en Belgique et Gaz de France).