Everyone here knows that Europe, its currency, its diplomacy, its security, its civilisation, its culture and its social model can only truly survive the splendid history of its peoples, but also the fruitless dissension between them, by becoming a federation of nation states with strong, coherent and respected institutions, enshrined in a European Constitution, towards which Mr Duhamel has paved the way.
On le sait tous ici, l'Europe, sa monnaie, sa diplomatie, sa sécurité, sa civilisation, sa culture, son modèle social, ne survivront véritablement à la brillante histoire, mais aussi aux vains déchirements de ses peuples, qu'en accédant à une fédération d'États-nations disposant d'institutions fortes, cohérentes et respectées, inscrites dans une Constitution européenne dont notre collègue Duhamel ouvre le chemin.