That being said, since I have not been interrupted—and I welcome that, for once this evening—what I'm going to do, in consideration for the staff and the interpreters who have been working hard all evening, not necessarily having known that they would be here until twenty minutes after eleven, and knowing that going through the NDP amendments would add probably at least one hour on to our committee time in voting, is consent to regrouping all of the amendments NDP-11 to NDP-96 into one motion that would be voted on par appel nominal.
Cela dit, comme je n'ai pas été interrompu — c'est une première ce soir, et je l'apprécie — je vais consentir à ce que les amendements NDP-11 à NDP-96 soient tous regroupés et qu'ils fassent l'objet d'un seul vote par appel nominal.