In fact, many Newfoundlanders and Labradorians can trace their ancestry to people who have fished the great seas in the past for their livelihood. With Remembrance Week coming up, it would be fair to say that the people of Newfoundland and Labrador have not only fed the world, they have also fed many great soldiers, airmen, airwomen and sailors not only in Canada but our Allies in other countries throughout the war effort as well.
À la veille de la semaine du Souvenir, il serait juste de dire que les gens de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador ont nourri non seulement le monde, mais aussi de nombreux vaillants soldats, aviateurs et marins et ce, non seulement au Canada, mais aussi dans les pays alliés tout au long de notre contribution à l'effort de guerre.