If you look at what is currently the situation in Baffin, northern Quebec, with the Labrador Inuit Association, the Labrador Development Corporation, the Innu in northern Labrador, the Torngat Fish Producers Co-op— in southern Labrador you look at the Métis, you have the Union Shrimp Co., St. Anthony Basin, a corporation that just came into play, they are all fishing offshore quotas.
Si vous regardez la situation actuelle à Baffin, au nord du Québec, avec l'Association des Inuit du Labrador, la Labrador Development Corporation, les Innus du nord du Labrador, la Torngat Fish Producers Co-op.au sud du Labrador, il y a les Métis, il y a l'Union Shrimp Co., la St. Anthony Basin, une société qui vient d'être créée, tous pêchent des contingents hauturiers.