Comments were also introduced by the Trade Unionists for Safe Nuclear Energy (within a Balanced Energy Policy) – TUSNE (18), Mr Robert Freer (19), the UK Chemical Industries Association (CIA) (20), John Hall Associates (JHA) (21), the Energy Intensive Users Group (EIUG) (22), Terra Nitrogen (23), Energywatch (24), Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO) (25), National Grid Transco (26), the Royal Academy of Engineering (27), Enfield Energy Centre Limited (EECL) (28), the Energy Information Centre Ltd (EIC) (29), Major Energy Users’ Council Ltd (MEUC) (30) and a second third party willing to remain anonymous.
Des observations ont également été présentées par Trade Unionists for Safe Nuclear Energy (within a Balanced Energy Policy) — TUSNE (18), M. Robert Freer (19), The UK Chemical Industries Association («CIA») (20), John Hall Associates («JHA») (21), the Energy Intensive Users Group («EIUG») (22), Terra Nitrogen (23), Energywatch (24), Teollisuuden Voima Oy («TVO») (25), National Grid Transco (26), the Royal Academy of Engineering (27), Enfield Energy Centre Limited («EECL») (28), the Energy Information Centre Ltd («EIC») (29), Major Energy Users' Council Ltd («MEUC») (30), ainsi qu'une deuxième partie intéressée souhaitant conserver l'anonymat.