It would have been stupid for LIFE to have been re-nationalised when our fellow citizens expect more in the way of integration, and I shall not reiterate here the arguments put forward by my fellow Members, who have pointed out that the
Member States were obviously making proposals, but that the final arbitration fell to the Commission, and that it was then crucial to provide the Commission with back-up resources, as much
for the purposes of studying the dossiers as for those of taking stock of ...[+++]the innovations, via communication, exchanges and activity weeks – well done!
Il eût été stupide qu’alors même que nos concitoyens attendent davantage d’intégration, LIFE soit renationalisé et je ne reprends pas ici les arguments de mes collègues, qui ont bien souligné qu’à l’évidence les États membres faisaient des propositions, mais que l’arbitrage final revenait à la Commission. Qu’ensuite, il était fondamental de doter la Commission de moyens pour accompagner, tant pour étudier les dossiers que pour faire un rendu des innovations, via la communication, l’échange, des semaines de mobilisation, bravo!