6. Where the legislation of a Member State provides explicitly or implicitly that a
ccidents at work or occupational diseases which have occurred or
have been confirmed subsequently shall be taken into consideration in order to assess the degree of incapacity so as to acquire the right to benefits, or to determine the amount thereof, the competent institution of that Member State shall also take into consideration a
ccidents at work or occupational diseases which have ...[+++] occurred or
have been confirmed subsequently under the legislation of another Member State, as though they had occurred or had been confirmed under the legislation which it administers, but only where:
6. Si la législation d'un État membre prévoit explicitement ou implicitement que les accidents du travail ou les maladies professionnelles survenus ou constatés postérieurement sont pris en considération pour apprécier le degré d'incapacité, l'ouverture du droit aux prestations ou le montant de celles-ci, l'institution compétente de cet État prend également en considération les accidents du travail ou les maladies professionnelles survenus ou constatés postérieurement sous la législation d'un autre État membre, comme s'ils étaient survenus ou avaient été constatés sous la législation qu'elle applique, à condition: