Thirdly, the bill essentially addresses matters of consumer protection, which in my view are properly within the jurisdiction of the provincial legislatures and ought to be dealt with under provincial statutes, such as the Consume
r Protection Act in Ontario, which already deals with matters such as executory contracts, credit transactions, and disclosure of things such as cost of borrowing and similar matters; or the Business Practices Act, which deals with such things as unfair business practices and unconscionable consumer r
epresentations, and already provides ...[+++]consumers with remedies such as rights of rescission and damages in respect of those sorts of practices.
Troisièmement, le projet de loi porte essentiellement sur des questions de protection du consommateur. À mon avis, ces questions relèvent de la compétence des provinces et devraient être traitées au moyen de lois provinciales comme la Loi sur la protection du consommateur, en Ontario, qui traite déjà de questions comme les contrats à exécuter, les transactions de crédit ainsi que la déclaration de choses comme les coûts d'emprunt et d'autres questions semblables.