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Canadian Dental Assistants' Association
Canadian Dental Nurses' and Assistants' Association
Dental chairside assistant
Dental support worker
Manitoba Dental Assistants Association
Manitoba Dental Nurses and Assistants Association
Ontario Dental Assistants Association
Ontario Dental Nurses and Assistants Association
Orthodontic nurse
Qualified dental nurse

Traduction de «ontario dental nurses and assistants association » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Ontario Dental Assistants Association [ ODAA | Ontario Dental Nurses and Assistants Association ]

Ontario Dental Assistants Association [ ODAA | Ontario Dental Nurses and Assistants Association ]

Manitoba Dental Assistants Association [ MDAA | Manitoba Dental Nurses and Assistants Association ]

Manitoba Dental Assistants Association [ MDAA | Manitoba Dental Nurses and Assistants Association ]

Canadian Dental Assistants' Association [ CDAA | Canadian Dental Nurses' and Assistants' Association ]

Association canadienne des assistants(es) dentaires [ ACAD | Canadian Dental Nurses' and Assistants' Association ]

dental support worker | orthodontic nurse | dental chairside assistant | qualified dental nurse

assistante dentaire | aide dentaire | assistant dentaire
I had an opportunity to associate with and have interchange with associations across the country, medical, nursing, dental and chiropractic associations and many individuals who had strong positions.

J'ai eu la chance de m'entretenir avec bon nombre d'associations canadiennes de médecins, d'infirmiers, de dentistes et de chiropraticiens ainsi qu'avec bon nombre de personnes qui avaient des idées bien arrêtées.

We will begin with the Canadian Dental Association, but before we do that, I'd like to introduce all the other organizations that are here this morning. We have the Canadian Dental Association, the Canadian Healthcare Association, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nurses Association, the Canadian Pharmacists Association, and the Health Action Lobby.

Nous avons parmi nous l'Association dentaire canadienne, l'Association canadienne des soins de santé, l'Association médicale canadienne, l'Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada, l'Association des pharmaciens du Canada et le Groupe d'intervention action santé.

Witnesses: From the Canadian Dental Association: Richard Sandilands, President; Raymond Webb, Member; From the Canadian Healthcare Association: Sharon Sholzberg-Gray, President and CEO; Kathryn Tregunna, Director; Aileen Leo, Director of Communications; From the Canadian Medical Association: Dr. Allon Reddock, President; Dr. Léo-Paul Landry, Secretary General; From the Canadian Nurses ...[+++]

Témoins : De l'Association dentaire canadienne: Richard Sandilands, Président; Raymond Webb, Membre; De l'Association canadienne de soins de santé: Sharon Sholzberg-Gray, Présidente et directrice générale; Kathryn Tregunna, Directrice; Aileen Leo, Directrice des communications; De l'Association médicale canadienne: Dr Allon Reddock, Président; Dr Léo-Paul Landry, Secrétaire général; De l'Association des infirmières et infirm ...[+++]

The Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration requests that a study of the cuts to the Interim Federal Health program commence immediately, and that the witnesses list include, but not be limited to: Canadian Council for Refugees, Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care, Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, Canadian Medical Association, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, The College of Family Physicians of Canada, Canadian Association of Social Workers, Canadian Dental ...[+++]

Le Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration demande que soit immédiatement commencée une étude des réductions de budget du Programme fédéral de santé intérimaire, et que soient entendus, entre autres, les témoins suivants: Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés, Canadian Doctors for Refugee Care, Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers, Association médicale canadienne, Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada, Collège des médeci ...[+++]

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Mr. Jason Kenney (Calgary Southeast, Ref.): Mr. Speaker, the list of Liberal patronage appointees goes on: the son of a prominent Liberal organizer and fundraiser for André Ouellet the former president of the Longueuil Liberal Riding Association; the former vice-president for eastern Quebec Liberals; a Trudeau era minister and the godfather of the Atlantic; a former legislative assistant to several Ontario Liberal MPPs; a close associate of the Clerk of the Privy Council, Madam Bourgon; the former vice-president, French, for the ...[+++]

M. Jason Kenney (Calgary-Sud-Est, Réf.): Monsieur le Président, la liste des nominations libérales de faveur s'allonge: le fils d'un éminent organisateur libéral et argentier d'André Ouellet; l'ancien président de l'Association libérale du comté de Longueuil; l'ancien vice-président des libéraux de l'est du Québec; un ministre de Trudeau et parrain de l'Atlantique; un ancien adjoint législatif de plusieurs députés libéraux de l'Assemblée législative de l'Ontario; un proche collègue de la greffière du Conseil privé, Mme Bourgon; ...[+++]

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Date index: 2022-03-11