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Ontario Community Transportation Association
Ontario Milk Transport Association
Quebec Milk Transporters' Association

Traduction de «ontario milk transport association » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
Ontario Milk Transport Association

Ontario Milk Transport Association

Quebec Milk Transporters' Association

Association des transporteurs de lait du Québec

Ontario Community Transportation Association

Ontario Community Transportation Association
Mr. Ross Ferguson, President, Airport Ground Transportation Association of Ontario: I would like to tell you a little bit about the Airport Ground Transportation Association of Ontario, which is unique.

M. Ross Ferguson, président, Airport Ground Transportation Association of Ontario: J'aimerais vous parler un peu de la Airport Ground Transportation Association of Ontario, qui est une association unique.

As a member of the subcommittee that reviewed part 3, I would like to read a list of those who participated in the consultation process through the subcommittee: Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Environment, Department of Transport, Building and Construction Trades Department, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Canadian Construction Association, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporter ...[+++]

Ayant siégé au sous-comité chargé de l'examen de la partie 3, j'aimerais lire une liste des entités qui ont comparu dans le cadre de son processus de consultation: l'Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale, le ministère des Pêches et des Océans, le ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien, le ministère des Ressources naturelles, le ministère de l'Environnement, le ministère des Transports, le Département des métiers de la construction, l'Association canadienne des producteurs pétroliers, l'Association canadienne de ...[+++]

The list continues: the Canadian Automobile Dealers Association; the Canadian Finance & Leasing Association; the Association of University Research Parks in Canada; the Canadian Life & Health Insurance Association; the Nishnawbe Aski Nation and Grand Chief Stan Beardy; the Canadian Home Builders Association; the deputy chief economist at the TD Bank; the Ontario Liberal Minister of Finance, Dwight Duncan; the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association; the Air Transport ...[+++]

La liste se poursuit : la Corporation des associations de détaillants d'automobiles; l'Association Canadienne de Financement & de Location; l'Association of University Related Research Parks au Canada; l'Association canadienne des compagnies d'assurances de personnes inc.; la nation Nishnawbe Aski et le grand chef Stan Beardy; l'Association canadienne des constructeurs d'habitations; l'économiste en chef adjoint de la banque TD; le ministre des Finances libéral de l'Ontario, Dwight Duncan; l'Association canadienne d'habitation ...[+++]

The Minister of Transport received letters of concern from a long list of industry associations calling on their government to take action. This list included the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters Association, the Canadian Industrial Transportation Association, the Canadian Chemical Producers' Association, the Automotive Parts Manufacturers' Association and the Ontario Agri Business Association.

Le ministre des Transports a reçu des lettres dans lesquelles un grand nombre d'associations industrielles, notamment les Manufacturiers et Exportateurs du Canada, l'Association canadienne de transport industriel, l'Association canadienne des fabricants de produits chimiques, l'Association des fabricants de pièces d'automobile du Canada et l'Ontario Agri Business Association, exprimaient leur inquiétude et demandaient au gouverneme ...[+++]

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They include: the International Air Transport Association, the Air Transport Association of Canada, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transport, including all political parties, the Province of Ontario, the Liberal premier of Ontario, the Association of Airline Representatives in Canada, the Toronto Board of Trade, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Toronto Hotel Association, and the Canadian Tourism Association.

Ces alliés comprennent l'Association du transport aérien international, l'Association du transport aérien du Canada, le Comité permanent des transports de la Chambre des communes, y compris tous les partis politiques, la province de l'Ontario, le premier ministre libéral de l'Ontario, l'Association of Airline Representatives in Canada, le Toronto Board of Trade, la Chambre de Commerce du Canada, la Greater Toronto Hotel Association et l'Association de ...[+++]

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Date index: 2023-11-28