A well-balanced macro-economic policy mix is a precondition for sustained growth and job creation. However, structural policies also have an important role to play since they reinforce competitiveness and increase the job-content of growth. Although this requires ongoing reform in the labour market, this should not be seen in isolation, as sub-optimal outcomes in the labour market can also be the result of rigidities in product, services or capital markets. Structural reform therefore encompasses not only improvements in the operation of labour markets, but also other important measures such as: an improved regulatory framework for firms, a more favourable environment for entrepreneurship (through improved capital markets an
d lower ba ...[+++]rriers to entry and exit), and opening hitherto protected markets as well as eliminating anti-competitive behaviour by firms or the public sector; whilst in all cases respecting consumer, environmental and social interests.
La réforme structurelle englobe donc non seulement une amélioration du fonctionnement des marchés du travail, mais aussi d'autres mesures importantes telles qu'un cadre réglementaire plus approprié pour les entreprises, un environnement plus favorable à l'esprit d'entreprise (par l'amélioration des marchés des capitaux et l'abaissement des barrières à l'entrée et à la sortie), l'ouverture de marchés jusqu'alors protégés ainsi que l'élimination des comportements anticoncurrentiels de la part des entreprises ou du secteur public dans le respect, toujours, des intérêts du consommateur et des considérations environnementales et sociales.