Our membership consists of all the major organizations representing the seafood business. Our members are the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association; the Canadian Sablefish Association; the Deep Sea Trawlers Association; the Fisheries Coun
cil of Canada; the Pacific Halibut Management Association; the Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association; the Pacific Salmon Harvesters Society, representing a number of groups in the salmon fishery; the Pacific Sea Cucumber Harvesters Association; the Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association; the Spawn-On-Kelp Operators Association; the Underwater Harvesters Association; the B.C. Salmon Marketing Council; the
Canadian G ...[+++]roundfish Research and Conservation Society; and the Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance.Nous comptons parmi nos membres les principales organisations oeuvrant dans l'industrie du poisson et des fruits de mer en Colombie-Britannique, notamment la B.C. Salmon Farmers Association, la Canadian Sablefish Association, la Deep Sea Trawlers Association, le Conseil cana
dien des pêches, la Pacific Halibut Management Association, la Pacific Prawn Fishermen's Association, la Pacific Salmon Harvesters Society, qui représente divers groupes du secteur de la pêche au saumon, la Pacific Sea Cucumber Harvesters Association, la Pacific Urchin Harvesters Association, la Spawn-On-Kelp Operators Association, la Underwater Harvesters Association
...[+++], le B.C. Salmon Marketing Council, la Canadian Groundfish Research and Conservation Society et la Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance.