(8) Where an amount that the Corporation is required to pay under subsection (6) has not been paid within the time within which it is required to be paid under that subsection, the Corporation shall pay to the Receiver General, in addition to that amount, interest at the specified rate for the period beginning on the first day after that time and ending on the day the amount has been paid in full, calculated on the outstanding balance of the amount.
(8) Si elle omet de payer, dans le délai imparti en application du paragraphe (6), un montant dont elle est redevable en application de ce paragraphe, la Société est tenue de payer au receveur général, en plus de ce montant, des intérêts au taux déterminé, calculés sur les arriérés pour la période commençant le lendemain de l’expiration du délai et se terminant le jour du paiement intégral du montant.