Today NIVT announced the first grants, amounting to about ECU 913.000 (ECU 684.000 provided by the EU) to be distributed to the following projects: - Bogside and Brandywell Initiative - Derry; Belfast Community Circus - Belfast, Markethill District Enterprise - Co Armagh; South Lough Neagh Regeneration Association - Co Armagh; Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group - Belfast; Milltown Community Trust - Co Antrim; Ballybeen Community Forum - Belfast; Women's Education Project - Belfast; Ulster Communi
ty Action Network - Pan Northern Ireland; Ti Chulainn (South Armagh Regeneration) - Co Armagh; Women's Informations Group - Belfast;
...[+++]Women's Information and Drop-in Centre -Belfast; Ballymagroarty Community Association - Derry; W F Marshall Education Centre - Co Tyrone; Norther Ireland Co-operative Development Agency; Prisoner's Aid and Post Conflict Resettlement Group - Belfast. 2. The Interest Subsidy Scheme On of the priorities of the EU's peace package for Northern Ireland and Ireland is to support Productive Investment and Industrial Development.Le NIVT a annoncé aujourd'hui les premières aides représentant quelques 913 000 écus (dont 684 000 mis à disposition par l'UE), a répartir entre les projets suivants : - Bogside and Brandywell Initiative, Derry; Belfast Community Circus, Belfast; Markethill District Enterprise, comté d'Armagh; South Lough Neagh Regeneration Association, comté d'Armagh; Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group, Belfast; Milltown Community Trust, comté d'Antrim, Ballybeen Community Forum, Belfast; Women's Education Project, Belfast; Ulster Community Action Network, Pan, Irlande du Nord; Ti Chulainn (South Armagh Regeneration), comté d'Armagh; Women's Informations Group, Belfast; Women's Information and Drop-in Centre, Belfast; Ballymagroarty Community A
...[+++]ssociation, Derry; W F Marshall Education Centre, comté de Tyrone; Northern Ireland Co-operative Development Agency; Prisoner's Aid and Post Conflict Resettlement Group, Belfast. 2. Le programme de bonification d'intérêt Une des priorités du dispositif conçu par l'UE pour l'Irlande du Nord et pour l'Irlande est de soutenir l'investissement productif et le développement industriel.