Let us get back to the position paper, Free to Learn, which was co-authored by David Snow and our Aboriginal colleague Calvin Helin, who is from B.C. That paper highlights some of the problems with the current post-secondary education program and its delivery in terms of some First Nations having recorded some surpluses over the years on funding, and also funding that has been utilized for ineligible expenses.
Revenons au document de travail intitulé Free to Learn, coécrit par David Snow et notre collègue autochtone Calvin Helin, qui est originaire de la Colombie-Britannique. Le document en question fait ressortir certains des problèmes touchant le programme d'éducation postsecondaire et notamment son administration, dans la mesure où certaines Premières nations ont accumulé un excédent sur le financement accordé au fil des ans et que le financement a servi à couvrir des dépenses non admissibles.