I point to the 2009 report of Saskatchewan's children's advocate, Marvin Bernstein, entitled A Breach of Trust: An Investigation Into Foster Home Overcrowding in the Saskatoon Service Centre, which found that children have been placed into overcrowded foster homes without a review of the assessed capacity of the home or foster parents to safely accommodate or care for more children.
Je vous renverrai au rapport de 2009 du Children's advocate de la Saskatchewan, Marvin Bernstein, intitulé A Breach of Trust : An Investigation Into Foster Home Overcrowding in the Saskatoon Service Centre, indiquant que des enfants ont été placés dans des foyers nourriciers surpeuplés sans un examen de la capacité du foyer ou des parents nourriciers d'accueillir en sécurité ou de s'occuper d'enfants supplémentaires.